Getting busier

Firstly, a warm welcome from me to all the visitors from SearchSG! [:D]

I’ve moved most of my sites over to my webserver I lovingly named Chii. Hah! How contradicting. Chii from the anime Chobits is a powerful persocon whereas this Chii of mine is a Pentium2, 233MHz. Even PDAs nowadays are more powerful. The first thing you might notice is there’s no more anymore. Just a nice in the address bar.

Recently added the link to my blog at . I got a rating of 1 [:(]. Perhaps I need a better layout? Or the content I provide too dull, boring and possibly lame. Anyways, this is my blog so I ain’t worrying much about ratings. I just needed some web space to rant and design and I’m inviting people from all over to come comment/complain. Haha

I browsed some other blogs at searchsg. Came across a few bloggers who stopped blogging because they didn’t want strangers to read about their life anymore. It’s as if what they do everyday is automagically blogged (No offense). As for me, I don’t type out every single detail of my everyday life. I type what I see fit. [:)]

Before I end here, I feel I should provide my definition of the words “elusive” and “emotions”. Taken straight from, expressed in PHP style.

$elusive = ‘Difficult to define or describe.’;
$emotions = ‘A mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes; a feeling.’;
echo $elusive,$emotions;

I’m gonna make some minor changes to my layout! Hopefully done by tonight. [XD]

The changes didn’t take too much time! Well, I’ve created an iframe on top of my background. There’s gonna be a little more extra work each time I change my background. I’m going to convert this main page from ASP to PHP some day. Definitely not today. lol

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