
I’m in favour of creating websites from writing raw html codes. Which is to say, type out every single HTML tag in a simple text editor. With this mentioned, I will proceed to rant on how much I hate Dreamweaver.

At work, I had to edit an existing webpage. Move this logo here, open up that space over there, blah blah. So I saved a copy of the site onto my harddisk. Opened up the index.htm in Firefox, used the Web Developer Toolbar plugin to render a red-dotted outline on the invisible tables so I could get an idea on how everything is laid out. Turned out to be a mess of columns and rows only a computer can comprehend.

This mess of rows and columns could be greatly simplified just by adding 1 or 2 more tables. It could even make the code more readable.

Next worse thing, since this is a computer program, it has completely no idea how to generate user-friendly filenames for images. So it automatically generates filenames like craptastic_1-1×1, craptastic_2-1×3, craptastic_9-2×4.

And I have no clue why there’s fragmented images of a single-color bar, whose color is the same as it’s background. Not to mention those images come in both jpg and gif formats!

Oh, and there’s one more important factor for a fucked up dreamweaver-made website, a noob Dreamweaver user.

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