Dynamic Images

I have received some feedback regarding my dynamic sig that I use in forums.
It’s more like exploiting the browser bugs (Am I right to say so?). Easily done
by whoever has enough access to a webserver. So in answer to your requests,
here’s a guide on how to make yourself a dynamic sig image.

Most forums, allow you to have signatures to appear after your post. It can
contain images, URLs, text. For images, you are only allowed to use a small set
of file extensions. To name a few, .jpg, .gif and .png.

First off, you need a set of images you want to rotate. I prepared 3, same
design but different color.

elusive emotions wyredsig_anim1.gif
elusive emotions wyredsig_anim2.gif
elusive emotions wyredsig_anim3.gif

Getting dizzy? I cast a spell on them which puts anyone looking at it under
my control unconciously. Now go watch more anime! [XD]

Note the filenames next to the images, giving them a serial number makes it
easier to generate a random number and use it to determine which image to

Now here’s the secret to my dynamic signature, PHP! Yes! In my humble
opinion, the best scripting language since ASP. Like I mentioned, you’ll need
enough access on your webserver to get .png files to be processed by the php

Next up, in my wyredsig.png file, is a one line code that redirects all
requests for that file, to the image files hosted on the 2MB space given to me
by my ISP.

<?php header(‘location:http://web.singnet.com.sg/~erikyang/wyredsig_anim’.rand(1,3).’.gif’); ?>

See the rand() function? Generates a random number from 1 to 3.

So far mapping the .png has not affected my other real png images. I have
tested this on Internet Explorer and Mozilla FireFox. Here’s the image in
action. Refresh the page and see it change.

elusive emotions
You can
actually redirect users to harmful websites without them even knowing. I have
not tried this neither do I encourage this. I’m providing this tutorial solely
for educational purposes only. I am not to be held liable for whatever happens
on the net next. <- What a coward!

Update: I did some checking and yea, my
real .png files were scrambled. It’s fine because I don’t use the .png format
often. However if you wish to run dynamic images, remember to create a new
website in IIS (if allowed) and configure a mapping for .png files on that site
only. Then run your file from that site.

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