BUCK-TICK’s かげろう (kagerou)

xxxHOLIC anime’s 2nd ED

Update: For the last 3 days, I’ve been listening to this song over and over again. It’s the only song on my winamp playlist and on infinite loop. Of course, not listening to it 24/7 when I’m sleeping or playing FF12.

I guess it’s the story in the later episodes of xxxHolic that makes this song extra special to listen to.

Guess I’ll pick up the manga series too.

Kusanagi Motoko – 草薙素子


Does anyone else think her legs should be a little more longer?





In GitS:SAC, there was one episode near the end of the season where a huge mech shot Kusanagi , destroying her left arm, the mech then stepped on her with it’s feet, crushing her. Her subordinates arrived just in time to save her with one shot from their huge rifle.

As she recovered, she shouted for the rifle and with one arm, she continously unloaded several shots at the mech under her, reloading after each shot with only one hand.

You can feel the anger from her during this scene. This will be one of the my favourite anime scenes, one other, is an impressive fight scene between Asuka and the EVA:Mass Production series in Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth & Gyakuten Saiban

Finally got homebrew all setup on my PSP. Initially, I wondered why I keep getting "corrupted data" error. Turns out a UMD is needed. Luckily a friend had a spare one and he’s lending it to me until I buy my own.

Right now I’m playing VP:L. It’s fun enough to keep me awake throughout the 1 hour bus ride to work. Most of the characters that you pick up in the game each has a story behind them. A unique fighting system that requires good timing and planning.

Should Deny The Divine Destiny Of The Destinies??????

The artwork and scenery in this game is very beautiful.

Gyakuten Saiban (逆転裁判) turned out to be very good. You play a defense attorney and basically the gameplay is going around looking for evidence, clues, talk with people and during the court trials, you cross-examine the witnesses and expose the lies in their testimonies.

You have to be careful when making objections. Make 6 mistakes and it’s gameover. However, you can press them for details on each of their statements.

I’ve only finished 2 chapters out of 5. And already, I’m enjoying it a lot! Games like these have no replay value. So I may be selling it once I’m finished.

PSP…. orz

Back in January 2005, I blogged about NDS and PSP. The pros and cons of each unit with what I know.

To summarize, the reasons I didn’t buy a PSP back then is because of the low battery life, a problem with the UMDs ejecting themselves with a bit of twist and the loading times from reading a UMD disc.

It’s been more than a year since then. And till now, there isn’t any good game for NDS. Not a single good RPG game. However, FF3 for the NDS is coming around September. So it’s the best thing for NDS so far.

Recently, after learning more about homebrew and realizing that the majority of my friends possess a PSP, and looking at all those RPG/ActionRPG games, I got tempted and went to buy a PSP.

It’s a local set, ver1.5 firmware, standard pack. Made in China. With membership at Gamescore, I paid $389 ($10 discount) for it.

I also bought Gyakuten Saiban (逆転裁判) for NDS and a Sandisk 4GB Memory Stick for $282. Could’ve gotten the Memory Stick at a cheaper price of around $250 but I was lazy to travel to Sim Lim Square from Funan IT mall.

One thing I find rather aggravating is…


So yea… I haven’t been able to start messing around with homebrew yet. 


A bomb… ??

CDs フォーーーーーーー (Fooooooooooooo)


Alright… I know need to control my CD shopping… But after watching episode 12 of The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, I really, REALLY want to possess this single.

List (band/etc – album):
Suzumiya Haruhi no Tsumeawase

Last Alliance – Underground Blue 

FF11 – Treasures of Aht Uhrgan Soundtrack 

FF12 – Original Soundtrack 

Bump of Chicken – Yggdrasil

Yokko Kanno & Seatbelts – Cowboy Bebop Tank! THE! BEST!