Dead bees all over the place

As I step out of my house for work this morning, I see a cluster of dead bees on the floor outside my neighbour’s apartment. Let’s say about 20-30 dead bees.

A stone’s throw distance away, another cluster. And another, and another.

Walked down the stairs to the lift lobby. Found a huge cluster. Inside the elevator, about 3-4 dead bees on the floor. I took a closer look and notice the abdomen is light yellowish. Could these be wasps instead? I don’t know myself.

I have no idea what happened last night but I’m glad it wasn’t those nights that I would go out and meet a friend for supper.

Seeing these clusters of dead bees on the floor makes my skin crawl…..

Anyone have any clue of what could have happened?

3 Replies to “Dead bees all over the place”

  1. Lol, Judging from the kills I’d say he now has 10 stacks of beehive chips and 5 stacks of honey!

    Oh yea, I forgot to mention my apartment is on the 9th storey.

    The last time I get freaked by insects was last week, when I came home into my room to see a huge moth the size of my 2 palms combined. Scared the shit out of me. >_

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