Worst Week

This is the worst week I ever experienced. First, was being late for work by an hour. Next, I had a shard of duck bone pierced into, between my teeth and gums. Had to use considerable strength to pull it out. And then this morning, I overslept on the bus and ended up at Kampong Bahru! Sigh… [:(]

I wonder, if everyone has a biological 24-hour clock, mine would most probably be a 27-hour clock. During school vacations, I would sleep for 10 hours and stay awake for the next 17 hours. How I miss those days where I can just fuck up my sleeping habits without worrying. If I stayed awake till 7am, my legs would start to feel a little numb and my eyes, heavy. Yet my mind feels refreshed. Ah… Now I recall the days of staying up the whole night outside with friends. /me is suddenly overwhelmed with nostalgia again.

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